New Media 2: Podcasts

An audio program that you can download or stream on the internet.

In this lesson, students will start their own podcast and produce a mini episode.



New media consists of 6 lessons, but only "New media 1: What is new media?" and New media 6: The future" are compulsory. The 4 production lessons, in which students create their own new media, are fun and informative, but not all of them have to be done.

Lesson goals

Learn how to plan, record, and edit a podcast episode


Exercise (10 minutes) - Smaller groups of 4-5

Groups discuss and decide on a subject for their podcast and come up with a name and description of their show. They decide on a format of the conversation (interview and guests, or a panel of co-hosts) and write down 5 questions to discuss during their episode.

Aim: Students develop a concept for their podcast.

Exercise (25 minutes) - Smaller groups of 4-5

Groups record their episode using a phone or laptop.

Aim: Students record audio.

Exercise (10 minutes) - Smaller groups of 4-5

Groups start editing their podcast episode using a phone or laptop. Episodes should be 5 minutes long and have an introduction and an ending. They will be able to finish their episode during the next lesson.

Aim: Students edit audio.

Exercise (10 minutes) - Smaller groups of 4-5

Groups edit their podcast episode using a phone or laptop.

Aim: Students edit audio.

Presenting (30 minutes) - class

Every group presents and plays their podcast in front of the class. Other students can give brief feedback.

Aim: Students present their work and critically assess their peers’ work.

Discussion questions (optional) - Class

Discuss the discussion questions with the students.

Aim: students reflect on the topic.

Exercise (10 minutes)

Hour 1

Students divide in groups that will start their own podcast. Every group will come up with a concept for a show and record a very short episode of 5 minutes.


  1. Divide the students in groups of 4-5.
  2. Students will come up with a name for their show and a short description (30 words) on what it is about. It is recommended they choose a topic they already know something about. They will write the title and description in the following format, which will be the introduction of the show itself:

    Welcome to [name of the show],
    a podcast about [30 word description of the show’s topic]

For example:
Welcome to [Plotcast]

a podcast about [the ways in which fan fiction changes the face of literature and the stories we enjoyed the most last week]

  1. Groups decide on the topic of the episode and write down 3-5 open questions they want to discuss to cover the topic.

    For example:
    - What is the difference between fan fiction and traditional literature?
    - How does fan fiction challenge the status quo?
    - What is your favorite fan fiction and why?
    - etc.
  2. Groups decide on the format of the show: is there one interviewer and a guest, or are there multiple co-hosts who discuss the questions together as a panel?

Exercise (25 minutes)


Groups record their episode with a phone or computer. Keep in mind that the episode should be no longer than 5 minutes. The recording can be longer, but needs to be cut down during the editing phase. Groups are also expected to record an ending to their episode.

Things for students to keep in mind:

  1. If something goes wrong during the recording, you don’t have to start all the way over. Just go back a little bit and take it from there.
  2. Try to find a relatively quiet area with a minimum of background noise
  3. Try to keep the microphone close to the person who is speaking

Free recording and editing apps

  • Android: AudioLab Audio Editor, Anchor
  • iPhone: GarageBand
  • PC: Audacity
  • Mac: GarageBand

Exercise (10 minutes)


Groups edit their episodes to start with the introduction and fit the time limitation of 5 minutes. They remove irrelevant sections or mistakes and include some introductory music and a clear ending.

Possible tasks to divide are editors, spokesperson, logo designer, voiceover, somebody looking for music and sound effects, et cetera.

Free recording and editing apps

  • Android: AudioLab Audio Editor, Anchor
  • iPhone: GarageBand
  • PC: Audacity
  • Mac: GarageBand

Exercise (10 minutes)

Hour 2

Groups edit their podcast episode using a phone or laptop. Episodes should be 5 minutes long and have an introduction and an ending.

Presenting (30 minutes)

Every group presents and plays their podcast in front of the class. Other students can give brief feedback.

Discussion questions (optional)

  1. What is the difference between radio and podcasting?
  2. Why did podcasts become so popular over the last two decades?
  3. How could you monetize a podcast?
  4. What are similarities and differences between podcasts and videos?
  5. Why are podcasting better suited to niche subjects than radio or TV?