Debate about podcasts: We regret the popularity of podcasts
This lesson plan is about organizing a debate on the topic of podcasts. Besides instructions it also contains arguments for both sides to help you prepare.
Debate about social media: We believe that social media has done more harm than good
This lesson plan is about organising a debate on the topic of social media. Besides instructions it also contains arguments for both sides to help you prepare.
Debate about social media: We regret the social media being the primary source of news
This lesson plan is about organising a debate on the topic of social media. Besides instructions it also contains arguments for both sides to help you prepare.
Debate about TV: We would introduce ethnic and gender quotas for film and television programs
This lesson plan is about organising a debate on the topic of ethnic and gender quotas on television programs. Besides instructions, it also contains arguments for both sides to help you prepare.
Stakeholders 3 — Mock debate
In this lesson plan, students assume the roles of various stakeholders and provide input on contentious events or polarising news stories.
The exercise enables them to become more comfortable identifying the arguments underpinning specific stances towards contested social issues and public speaking without having to master the key elements of formal debating.