Argumentation: Logical fallacies in arguments
This lesson plan focuses on learning to recognize common logical fallacies in media content, be it news articles, user comments, or social media posts.
Clickbait bingo
This activity is a fun way for your students to practice what they learned in the “Clickbait” lesson. They must find examples of common strategies used in clickbait texts.
Media consumption: Critical reading
This lesson focuses on how we consume media, no matter which media we consume. We look at different reading techniques and focus on critical reading skills. The lesson focuses on the use of language in media, and how that shapes our interpretations.
Syntax, composition, and tone: how you come across to an audience
Students are given a sample piece of writing on some topic. They are split into groups (or work individually) and tasked with changing the text to convey the same facts but significantly changing the text's tone.
The language of balanced reporting
This lesson helps students develop critical reading skills and learn how to differentiate between opinion and news.